Goatsucker {Nightjar}

Today, Let's know about the rarest bird "Nightjar Bird " with great eared. Recently, Nightjar was spotted in Kakopather in Assam . Nightjar is a very rare sighting bird. So let's get some more information about this rare bird Nightjar, Nightjar bird is the nocturnal bird {Found in dusk and dawn}.Nightjar of Caprimulgus {A large varity of geun of Nightjar bird.}The bird spotted Nightjar of Caprimulgidae . Nightjar bird looks so elegant and unique, she has brown feathers with cream, gray and white buff along with long wings and black beak with brown thin leg, and she has a wide mouth that helps them to catch insects and lastly, she has the shortest bill. Nightjar is connected to folk history, that Nightjar sucked goat milk that's how she got another name" Goatsucker" The Goatsucker very difficult to see in the daytime. Nightjar was commonly seen in the dusk and dawn flying in the open roads under the streetlight because they eat insects flying in the...